Recovery Devon Podcast
What does it mean to be fully human? How can recovery principles support mental health? Recovery Devon and guests open the mic to views on mental health recovery. Established in the mid-2000s, we became a community interest company in 2012. Based in the South West of England, we support recovery as both a personal vision and an underpinning value base to promote radical change in mental health attitudes and provision. Our community of goodwill includes people with lived experience of mental health issues, their supporters, and families, alongside mental health practitioners.
Recovery Devon Podcast
Episode 9 - It's All About You talk LGBTQ+
Recovery Devon
Season 1
Episode 9
We're joined this time by Max Cohen and Rea Pearson to talk about sexual orientation and gender identity. Are there some particular mental health challenges for different LGBTQ+ communities, and how can organisations like It's All About You Wellbeing offer tailored help?
Historical perspectives are considered alongside current affairs, and we share ideas and exercises around gender identity.
Max has provided a rich variety of resources to support this podcast, which can be found here: https://recoverydevon.co.uk/2020/itsallaboutyoupodcast/