Recovery Devon Podcast
What does it mean to be fully human? How can recovery principles support mental health? Recovery Devon and guests open the mic to views on mental health recovery. Established in the mid-2000s, we became a community interest company in 2012. Based in the South West of England, we support recovery as both a personal vision and an underpinning value base to promote radical change in mental health attitudes and provision. Our community of goodwill includes people with lived experience of mental health issues, their supporters, and families, alongside mental health practitioners.
Recovery Devon Podcast
Episode 6 - Exploring Psychosis- A conversation
Recovery Devon
Season 1
Episode 6
Episode 6- In this episode James, Recovery Devon's Managing Director, and Ashley, a Recovery Devon Board Member and Bridge Collective staff, have an explorative conversation about living with, and experiencing, psychosis. This conversation looks into what helps and what hinders when in the midst of experiencing psychosis. James and Ashley also find the positives of seeing psychosis as part of a natural and normal human experience and embracing the process.
James also mentions the film Crazywise- The documentary CRAZYWISE explores what can be learned from people around the world who have turned their psychological crisis into a positive transformative experience. To watch the film please visit this link https://crazywisefilm.com