Recovery Devon Podcast
Recovery Devon Podcast
Podcast of Hope - Chronic Pain Coaching
Welcome to July’s Recovery Devon Podcast with Julie and Sean, directors at Chronic Pain Coaching.
This will be part one of a two-part podcast. There was so much to cover.
During part 1 we get to know Julie and Sean personally. We explore their backgrounds, their favourite holiday destinations, whether they’d do a Skydive and more!
Julie then describes to us what happens in a typical pain café. We talk about the most rewarding experiences so far in running the café’s and how they have helped so many people to take big strides in managing chronic pain. Sean then tells us about how his experience speaking at the House of Lords.
We cover their own recovery journeys and explore what has driven Julie and Sean to start running the Chronic Pain Café’s in Plymouth and Cornwall. We discuss some challenges faced in the process of running the café’s and how these challenges have been overcome.
We talk about how Julie and Sean were able to come off long term pain medication by using holistic pain management techniques and ask the best advice they can give to people who might be struggling with chronic pain.
In part 2) we will be going into more depth into different types of pain management techniques Julie and Sean have learned from a pain management programme at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth.
So please stay tuned for the next part.